PUblic Relations

A collection of PR samples for hypothetical situations written for Public Relations Writing taught by award winning Julie Dixon.  Throughout the class I honed my writing for the PR industry and learned a wealth of knowledge from my professor and her experiences. 

Press Release - HEELS FOR GOOD

A press release for a hypothetical event hosted by former UNC athletes to announce a donation towards the ongoing fight against COVID-19.


A hypothetical crisis management statement for McDonald’s after many contract E-coli at a press event for the release of the McPlant.

NEWS RELEASE - MODerna vaccine

A news release regarding the potential distribution  of the Moderna vaccine in the United States before the end of 2020.


A PSA for RED in order to gain awareness for HIV and AIDS, a global epidemic our society is still facing admits COVID-19.

Press Release - tease tea

A hypothetical event hosted by Tease Tea and Rosario Dawson to highlight female entrepreneurs creating businesses centered on sustainability.